Heart Failure

Scripture Reading - Luke 21:26 KJV

Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

Due to the present distress here in America we (ihlcc) thought it good to mention what we see as a problem of this nation and this problem has plagued many nations. Although many will think this is a black and white issue it is much more deeper than that. We firmly believe in Ephesians 6:12 KJV which states: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” This means the root of the problem is not external but rather internal. Yes, it is not a black and white issue or even the people verse the police issue but a spiritual issue that desperately needs to be revealed and addressed. While pondering the dilemma of exactly what all the protesting will accomplish it was revealed to us that “fear” is the true culprit. Today’s scripture proclaims that men’s heart will fail them for “fear” which many have been taught that people would lock the doors of their home and look to take personal shelter from the wickedness upon the earth. Perhaps the end-time movies encouraged us to think of a time when lawlessness is so great that the police won’t be able to protect you, so each person must take protection and justice into their own hands. This thought is very common in the last days but its whole foundation is based upon “fear”. Yes, “fear” has torment according to 1 John 4:18 which is evil but there are three other godly factors that restrain “fear” mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7. The three godly attributes found in 2 Timothy 1:7 are “Power, Love and a Sound Mind”. This means that all three of these Godly traits are necessary to overcome “ungodly fear”. Yes, to overcome the torments of fear and the spirit of fear we need God’s power, His love and His mind. First looking at power we have all the power we need in the Name of Jesus, remember we can decree a thing and it will be established unto us. Yes, this word power can mean both authority and actual strength. While upon this earth we are ambassadors from Heaven that speak forth God’s righteousness (His Word) in the Name of Jesus. Also, since all Christians have the Holy Spirit abiding within we have the Power (strength, energy, divine forces, etc…) of God within us to accomplish any task placed before us. When considering the “love factor” the scripture declares in 1 John 4:8 that perfect love cast out “fear” and we know according to various other scriptures that having the Love of God in your heart enables you to treat people right according the second commandment. Matthew 22:39 KJV states God’s second holy commandment as, “And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Without God’s Love in your heart you will never be able to adequately love another person. Why? Because you cannot have a sound mind outside of God. Yes, a sound mind is a mind of clear understanding that is inclined and trained (enlightened) to think God’s thoughts. Yes, the sound mind is the mind of Christ Jesus which always considers and chooses first life over death. Remember, Jesus came to freely give life through the shed blood from His body but He also came to put away death by unjustly dying upon the cross at Calvary. Yes, we (ihlcc) are seeing a total disregard for the enemy lurking among us, people have chosen rather to highlight our differences of thought, opinion and future actions as mere men as opposed to (instead of) binding the devil in the Name of Jesus because we love all men (even our enemies) and we clearly understand that we all want to persuade all men to choose Heaven over Hell, in other words choose life over death. We clearly see that the heart of some police personnel are in “fear” of their life, so some (not all) act irrational. As community leaders when the police are fearful mistakes will happen and likewise we see an abundance of people in fear cause them to error in judgment in certain cases. Yes, especially many of the black ethnicity are growing in “fear” to the point of not wanting to leave their home because that is their refuge for protection, their sanctuary so-to-speak. Yes, just recently we have heard of many parents being scared (fearful) for their black children walking the streets, not just from the criminals but also the notion of if they get pulled over by a policeman or policewoman because there exist a remote possibly that they could be shot. Yes, the scripture warns us of perilous times and we can see that we are definitely in them (the perilous times). However, during these times we must remember that Jesus Christ and the Love of God coupled with the proper understanding of God’s Word is our only solution. We will state that again, during perilous times the Love of God, a sound mind of God’s Word and walking in the Power of God is our only solution, not man walking in (trusting in) the arm of the flesh. If we really want true godly results we must be willing to walk like (act like) God. We are boldly declaring that all people, police and protestors, both black and while people need to stop being motivated by “fear” or “frustration”. It is said, “Those who move in (are motivated from) “fear” and/or “frustration (anger)” are moving in the wrong direction because they are drawing closer to death.” This is a sobering statement but very true and very applicable for these times. Notice, what operating in this constant “fear” of being killed by other people has done in past years: it has brought more division, introduced more strife, caused more confusion and ultimately created more death. Who delights in death? Satan, of course. Who came to steal, kill and destroy? Satan, of course according to John 10:10. So be wise dear child of God exercise your power in God to effectively love all people through sober thinking (a sound mind) that chooses to forgive people for obvious wrongs and embrace people who have not done wrong because God loves us all. If we can effectively use these three tools (forces, characteristic of God) we will not give into the “spirit of fear”, which causes many to be irrational and causes some to lose their life down here on earth, we pray you lose not your life in going to Heaven. Just remember “Heart failure of fear” is happening on both sides (the police and the people) solely because most people are choosing the wrong objective. If we choose to follow the world’s system for justice we ultimately get death but if we follow Christ Jesus in all of His Ways (Father, forgive them for they know not what they do) we reap life everlasting in Heaven our home. If having to choose between seeing justice in the world’s system (for in the last days perilous times shall come) or seeing God’s justice in Heaven, the choice should be easy. Why? Because we already have justice in Heaven from what Jesus did for us, not for what we did in ourselves, for we are saved by grace through faith, it is the gift of God, not of works (our own doings) so no man/woman can boast.-Refer to Ephesians 2:8,9 Just remember God sees all and knows all so in due season the sins of each man will reap the judgment of that sin coming back to that individual alone, without the aid of other people. If the person repents and asks God for forgiveness we should also be willing and obedient to forgive them. If the person thinks no forgiveness is necessary God will definitely judge all those who refuse to judge themselves. We are so glad that what each person sows they will also reap in Jesus Name.-Refer to Galatians 6:7 Thus, God’s Divine Eternal Justice always prevails, yes even when man’s temporal justice falls short (fails). Amen!